Better, More, Enough: Words that keep us striving, but hold us back

What do you think or feel when you hear the word, “Enough?”

*If you’d prefer the video version of this blog post, the link is at the bottom!

I had an interesting conversation about the word “enough” when I was in Greenland. Someone posed a question to the group about when, “Enough is enough”.

I found myself having a visceral reaction and my whole body felt the word. I realised in that moment, that for me, the word “enough” is a scarcity word.

Let me explain.

The word “enough” signifies to me that it’s the bare minimum needed. It’s just exactly what you need to survive, and nothing more or less. For example, “I have enough food,” “I have enough money to pay my mortgage,” “I have enough to pay for daycare,” etc. etc.

Having enough doesn’t, for me, feel that you’re having amazing travel adventures, taking up new hobbies, eating at restaurants, giving to charity, and attending concerts. (Many of the things I enjoy in life!)

“Enough” is about having access to the basic necessities of life and it’s more about security than it is about enjoying life, having fun, and keeping it interesting.

Word meanings are relative to our experiences and perceptions

These thoughts about the word Enough, brought me to consider other words like More and Better. As entrepreneurs we are often striving to improve ourselves, our systems, our business and make more money, have more time, have more success. AND, the question I have is when have you achieved More and Better?

I've had to ask myself this very question. The reality is that as soon as we hit those new levels of more and better, we reach for a new target and often don't stop to take the time to congratulate ourselves on what we've created.

I've been my own worst enemy at times. Setting goals, reaching them and then sailing right past them and onto the next. It's easy to get caught up in this cycle and the perpetual hamster wheel.

I heard someone say recently that the goals you are hitting today are the ones that had seemed out of reach a few years ago. That hit me hard because it was SO true. Now I take the time to look back on my accomplishments and celebrate just how far I've come. (most of the time!)

It's all just opinion

Now, the above is just my interpretation of these words. And what is so interesting is that different people have a different reaction to the same words.

I posed a question to my LinkedIn followers about their perspectives on the word, “enough” as well as “better” and “more” and they all had something different to say about it!

Some might see the word “enough” and feel that it’s very satisfying and comforting to think about all their needs being met.

Some see “better” and cringe because it sounds like it involves work and effort, not an upgraded plane ticket.

And others see the word “more” and instantly think, “Oh boy, there’s a catch, isn’t there? There’s always a catch…”

Be intentional with the words you're using

These words are all vague and open to interpretation.

My feelings around the word “enough” are just my perspective based on my past experiences, beliefs, and opinion.

Someone else could see “enough” and feel like it’s plenty to do all the things and buy all the things you desire!

As your read above, one word can mean different things for different people. So when you’re choosing the words to describe your business and brand, be sure to keep this in mind.

It’s important to be mindful and aware of the language you’re using and how it might be perceived by your ideal audience and customer.

Words like, “more” “better” and “enough” can inspire, OR they can hold us back. You're going to want to get specific for yourself to truly make an impact.

What do you feel when you encounter the word “enough”? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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