Business lessons from a drummer

Last night my husband Philippe and I went to see The Mark Lalama Trio play at the Dakota Tavern in Toronto. (If you've never been, you really should try to catch a show there - it's the most charming basement in the city!)

Part way into the evening I knew I needed to write about our experience. Watching our friend Davide Direnzo play the drums is something everyone should witness, and something we can all take a lesson from.

He plays with his soul.

He plays with his whole body.

He plays with love.

And because of this, he gives the audience THE most amazing experience.

Davide Direnzo Drummer

The audience was enveloped in his magic, drawn in by his smile and his movement. He lays it all out on the stage without fear of judgement.How often do we hold ourselves back for fear of judgement?

What if we "played" our businesses with our soul, our whole bodies and with love?

I've been talking a lot of authenticity and the client experience lately, (and wrote about it in my upcoming book). Watching Davide play strengthened my belief in the importance of being true to who we are and expressing it in everything we do.

But it's easier said than done. I know. I've struggled with this myself in the past and still do, but the more authentic I am, the more of the right clients I attract and the happier I am.

I'd like to leave you with this...Imagine how your favourite song makes you feel, and then imagine if your clients felt that way about working with you. #Magic

We'd love the opportunity to help you create this kind of experience with your clients. Book a call with me to find out how.


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