Design Spotlight: A Modern Treasure Map for Liz Lajoie

Zen Money Map

Have you ever taken the time to map out the journey your clients take with you? Perhaps it’s a bit disjointed, or it’s just not clear to your ideal people how they can work with you.

Imagine having the clarity of a custom designed map of the entire process!

This is exactly what we did for our client, Liz Lajoie, of Zen Money. We created a map of her six step process from “Deliberate Dreaming” to her “Zen Money Blueprint”.

Money can be an intimidating and emotionally-charged topic for many. Liz Lajoie, owner and founder of Zen Money is on a mission to change all that!

She helps business owners and entrepreneurs learn to pay themselves well and consistently, so their hard work is worth it! She gives them the tools they need to understand how to manage their money better (with less stress) and achieve their big picture goals and dreams.

Liz wanted a fun visual for her revamped Zen Money Map program to support the "choose your own entrepreneurial adventure" tone and to spice up the financial management training and review process. We came up with an interesting way to take people through the six steps and tie business strategy to the Zen Money process.

Liz is a pro at mapping out strategies that support growth, no matter where her clients are in their business! She also swears like a pirate (as she describes it) and so, a treasure map was the inspiration for her process.

Liz did Brand Camp with us in the Spring, and then followed that with design work for social media, and this map was the final piece of the process. We spent time strategizing on the names of each phase and the illustration to represent them. And then Maria created.

Liz’s signature Treasure Map Approach helps to tie your big dreams to your actual business tasks so you can grow with confidence. It’s what we call here at Lab Creative, her Signature Process.

What is a Signature Process?

A signature process is a combination of the behind-the-scenes structures in how you work with clients and what you do from a client-facing perspective.

It is what you can do over and over with each client so that you can ensure that everyone who works with you has the same experience...every time!

Having a signature process means your business is systemized and scalable which allows you to hire people to support you. You don’t need to be the only one who can work with clients and customers because there are clearly defined do’s and don’ts every step of the way.

Click HERE to read our blog on how to create YOUR signature process!

Check out the Signature process Liz developed. We did a modern take on the concept of the treasure map, so that it fit with the aesthetic of her new brand.

Phase 1: Deliberate Dreaming

In Phase 1 of Liz’s process, her clients get a deep dive into establishing their big goals through her Deliberate Dreaming Model. Then she helps them build this out further, with her Clarity Freeflow and Start-with-Now Money picture.


Phase 2: Powerful Pyramid Method

In Phase 2, Liz shows you how to map out your revenue targets using her Must-Have Pricing Model using her Nirvana Numbers Calculator. This also the phase where you create your pricing sales strategy and celebrate your overall revenue potential.


Phase 3: Peaceful Paycheck System

In Phase 3, Liz shows you how to implement her Pay Yourself First Formula to understand how to pay yourself consistently and well without breaking your business.

She also guides you to decide when to pay yourself and how to have hard conversations with your partner about the state of your business with her Reality Check Conversation Guide.


Phase 4: The Cash River Rule

In Phase 4, Liz shows you how to master that elusive money monster (aka cash flow) using her 5-Minute Math calculator. This phase shows you a fun and refreshing way to handle your daily money ups and downs with ease.


Phase 5: Ruby Road Rituals

In Phase 5 of Liz’s Treasure Map, she shows you how to develop your money management muscles with her Financial Flow Factors to help you stay on track with your daily action planning.


Phase 6: Zen Business Blueprint

In Phase 6, you draft your six-month action plan using Liz’s Zen Money Strategic Planning Process.


If you’d like to revamp your visual brand, we’d love to talk to you! Your brand is so much more than a logo, and there is no limit to the ways you can express what makes you different.

Let us support you through out signature process - Think, Design, Amplify!

Book a call with us here.


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