Lab Creative’s Inaugural Brand Camp

In June of this year (2016), I hosted our very first Brand Camp. We had an intimate group of amazing entrepreneurs who showed up struggling to understand aspects of their business, especially their brand.

A line that I learned from my business coach earlier this year that continues to resonate with me deeply is “you can’t read the label from inside the bottle”. As entrepreneurs we are often too close to our businesses to be objective enough to see what is really happening. On top of that, many of us work alone, which only compounds this problem.

I started Brand Camp because I realized one of the biggest things I love about my business is helping other businesses succeed. It just so happens that my way of doing that is through branding and design.

When I designed this branding workshop I did it knowing that working in a collaborative environment with other like-minded people will give you a different and fresh perspective on your business. On top of that, your thinking will be challenged and things will be pointed out that you never realized were special or were aspects of what made you unique.

Truth is, when I came up with the idea of Brand Camp it was a little bit scary. We all know that trying something new with your business isn’t always easy but I knew that I had knowledge and insight to share and that I was creating something impactful.

Each and every person who attended our first event came away with a feeling of clarity and understanding and the knowledge of where to go from here. Working in a small group means no one was forgotten or left behind. You can’t be a wallflower at Brand Camp – you have to come with a passion for your business and a desire to grow.

Check out the video testimonials below from our amazing participants.

If you are interested in attending Brand Camp, we’d love to have a chat to see if you’d be a fit for this very exciting 2-day event.

We have a limit of 4 participants so get in touch before we fill up! Check out the Brand Camp page for the next event dates.


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