The Evolution of the Toronto Raptors Brand

And why they are the most important brand in Canada

We the north - Toronto Raptors NBA champions


At the time I write this post – our entire country awaits game 6 of the NBA Championship with the Toronto Raptors and the Warriors.

So basically Canada is closed. Don't call, don't text...because we won't answer. We have a game to watch.

But it isn't only our country cheering...This week I was speaking at a conference in Tobago – a tiny island in the Caribbean – and every Tobagonian we met has connections to Canada and ALL of them are cheering for the Raptors.

I was blown away! I had no idea they would even know about the team, let alone be cheering along side us. Every single one of them was watching the game with us on Monday night.

The power of the Raptors brand – and Canada's brand – seems to have reached an epic level.Everyone is talking about the Raptors.

Everyone is cheering.Everyone is on the same team.We are all in this together. And it gives me the feels. In a BIG way.

. . .

Toronto Raptors logo evolution - NBA Champions
Toronto Raptors icon evolution NBA Champions

This made me wonder how we got here so I decided to take a look at the evolution of the Raptors brand. (Since thats how my brain works!)

Let's just say they've come a LONG way!The original purple, red, black and grey version of the logo from 1995 looks childish compared to the sophisticated current design.

The Raptors have grown up in the past 24 years and so has their brand – gone is the purple and the dinosaur.The icon with the clawed basketball is enough - you don't even need the name any more. When you see a hat, or t-shirt with this iconic symbol you immediately think Raptors.

Because it's easy to reproduce, fans can paint it on their bodies and faces, they can hand draw signs to bring to Jurassic park or into the stadium.

The icon has evolved less than the primary logo, however, the new icon is a part of the logo which makes it much more memorable and remarkable.

A brand is a living thing, it evolves just like humans do.

The Toronto Raptors team – just like its brand – has gotten better over the years. The players and coaches have worked hard to bring them to this moment. And their brand beautifully aligns with them and their raving fans...all of them across the globe.

And now, for the first time, the Raptors are NBA Champions and Canada couldn't be more proud! #wethenorth #letsgoraptors


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