Lead with Impact

Build a legacy brand and ignite a revolution.

Legacy and revolution are powerful words, and I am using them with great intention as we enter 2023.

According to the oxford dictionary:

Legacy is defined as the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.

Revolution is defined as a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation.

I’ve thought a lot about my own legacy for years and have helped many entrepreneurs step into bold language that clarifies, defines and amplifies their brand. Over the past year I started to dig even deeper into who I am and the impact I want to make on the world. I started to question everything and felt a profound sense of discontent. I realised I was too comfortable.

So, one Saturday morning over coffee, my husband Philippe and I decided to blow up our lives and move to Sicily for 10 months with our kids. (That is literally how that happened!)

Laura and Philippe Beauparlant drinking coffee in their backyard

It was time for a revolution!

It was time to redefine our lives, get out of our comfort zone and shake things up. And we did just that! We are 4 months into our 10 months, and they have been some of the most exhilaration and mentally challenging of my life and I’ve loved it all! (Even the moments of frustration and tears were an important part of the experience and what will lead to the most growth.)

When you burn things down, it helps if you’ve already got a strong foundation so you can build anew.

Our move abroad would not have worked if my husband Philippe and I didn’t have a strong foundation in our marriage. If that was breaking down, this move would have broken us. If I didn’t already have a strong brand foundation, my business could have crumbled.

My story of revolution came in the form of a move abroad and redefining myself and my business. No more scarcity, no more small thinking, no more holding back my opinions. I’m making big, bold moves and I’d love to have you along for the ride!

What will your revolution story be?

Are you feeling stagnant in your life and business?

Are you ready for a big change?

If yes, then let’s create your revolution together!

Entrepreneurs often jump into starting their business without doing the deep work first that is essential when it comes to foundation building. This deep work is what we do with our clients, so you can focus on your big picture vision. Wouldn’t it be great to have an impact-driven legacy brand?

If you’re an ambitious founder, change-maker and thought leader in a state of transition and ready to build your impact-driven legacy brand, we’d love to be your creative partner.

Together, let’s launch a brand that stands out from the crowd and reaches new levels of impact, influence and success.

Ready to light things up? Book a call with me here.



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