The Road to Becoming a Keynote Speaker

The room was dark, and the spotlight was on me. I could feel the energy of the room – filled with my family, friends, clients and colleagues cheering me on. I took a deep breath and began…

The Beginning

I won a motivational speaking competition in 2009. It was a great talk...but not THE talk. It didn't feel like the right time or the right message. But I knew one day I'd be ready.

Back then, my dream of being a speaker took a back seat to my growing business and motherhood. However, I knew I would find my voice and said, "10 years from now, I'll be speaking on stages."

The Journey

Fast forward 15 years, and here I am. I’ve delivered free talks to gain experience. I’ve written, rehearsed, and revised talks, and scrapped some altogether. I’ve had tiny audiences and massive ones. I've spoken at over 400 events to thousands of people. I’ve applied for talks and been one of many who didn’t get the gig. There have been big gaps in time and not a clear focus on this aspect of me and my business (plus, COVID put a damper on that for a few years).

And then I elevated my speaking and personal brand and worked with a speaking coach (big shout out to Andrea Sampson from Talk Boutique). Finally, I started getting paid speaking engagements.

The Moment

Last week, I had the honour of speaking to a hometown crowd in Toronto at the Talk Boutique Salon Series event. This wasn't just another talk; it was the culmination of years of deep work, tenacity, and a desire to have an impact.

What made this moment even more special was having my kids in the audience. They saw me speak on stage for the first time and were so proud. My youngest even shouted from the audience, "I love you, mom!"

Moments like these are priceless and remind me why I set these goals in the first place.

The Challenges

I was more nervous about my talk last week than usual. I couldn't pinpoint why until I finally understood. I would be speaking in front of many people I know...and I'm used to speaking in front of strangers. 😳 Not to mention the fact that this isn't a talk about branding – which I could do blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back. This is a deeply personal talk steeped in meaning...and one I hope to share with the world.

Despite my nerves (and yes, I still get them after more than 400 talks), I was prepared. I rehearsed my butt off so I could deliver my talk with passion and conviction. These things take time and effort. And the things that really matter are worth doing.

The Power of Perseverance

Seeing my Uber driver from a few days earlier in the audience, who came because he was inspired by our conversation, was a reminder of the impact we can have on others. This talk, entitled 'A Life Worth Dying For,' is my heart and soul.

And while it's different from my usual talks on branding, it deepens the work I do with my clients, showing them how to create truly impactful personal brands—starting with my own.

What's Next for You?

Think about the goals you have for your business. What is a big goal or dream you have for yourself? What can you do TODAY to go after it? The journey might be long and challenging, but the things that truly matter are worth every bit of effort. Keep pushing forward, set those big goals, and make them happen.

As Mike Lipkin said after my talk, "Laura, it was a masterclass in clarity, organization, and humour. You riveted the room." Such feedback is not just a pat on the back; it's a testament to the hard work and dedication that went into achieving my goals.

Are you ready to set big goals and make them happen? What can you do today to start your journey? Remember, the journey might be long, but every step is worth it.

If you're looking for a keynote speaker for your next conference, I'd love to hear from you! You can check out my signature talks and book a call here.

All photos by the amazing Paula Owen!


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