Our founder Laura Beauparlant shares behind the scenes, industry insights, inspiration on the entrepreneurial journey and powerful opinions pieces on branding and design. Enjoy your visit!

Branding Laura Beauparlant Branding Laura Beauparlant

Features vs. Benefits: Why you need BOTH in your Marketing

We've been talking a lot recently about selling the benefits of your product or service rather than the features alone. But how can you be sure you're on the right path with your marketing? This blog will show you how to couple great features with great benefits for effective communication. 

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Branding Laura Beauparlant Branding Laura Beauparlant

How To Stand Out as a Naturopath

Many Naturopathic doctors walk out of medical school with the same degree in hand, so it’s important to tap into what makes you different. There is not a single person exactly like you, so this is the time to dig a little deeper and see what sets you apart. 

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Entrepreneurship, Branding, Brand Camp Laura Beauparlant Entrepreneurship, Branding, Brand Camp Laura Beauparlant

Think First. Design Later.

Recently I’ve spoken with several entrepreneurs struggling with their business and feeling the pressure to go in a new direction or choose a niche that deep down doesn’t feel aligned with them. They wonder why they aren’t getting the right clients, why they feel so conflicted and why their business is stagnant or even shrinking.

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Branding Laura Beauparlant Branding Laura Beauparlant

The Evolution of the Toronto Raptors Brand

At the time I write this post – our entire country awaits game 6 of the NBA Championship with the Toronto Raptors and the Warriors.

So basically Canada is closed. Don’t call, don’t text…because we won’t answer. We have a game to watch.

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